IS6030: Week 1

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Part 1: Intro

  1. Syllabus
  2. About Me
  3. About You
  4. Website
  5. Blackboard
  6. About Github
  7. Intro to Programming


Part 2: Intro to SQL

  1. Setup SSMS on Local PC or Setup SSMS on UC PC
  2. SQL vs. T-SQL vs. PL/SQL
  3. Intro to T-SQL
  4. Intro to Relational Data

For Next Week

  1. Review this week's material
  2. In-class Assignment: Upload a screenshot of SSMS on your machine with a connection to the AdventureWorks Database. Turn in through BlackBoard!
  3. Read Itzik Ben-Gan:
  4. Homework Assignment: a Question & Answer on the reading to be completed as you read. Turn in through BlackBoard!

    Homework in Microsoft Word

    Homework as Text File

  5. Week 2 will begin with an assessment that covers material from Week 1. It will not touch on any material from Itzik Ben-Gan.

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