MRRisley:=("The SQL Query")

Note: This guide is meant to be a companion to Itzik Ben-Gan's T-SQL Fundamentals, 3rd edition.
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1. Intro to Single-Table Queries

Data within relational databases are stored in tables as observations, or records. Each record has one or more fields, or columns. If you're familiar with Excel Pivot tables, relational data are essentially the original, un-pivoted data. The table excerpt below demonstrates the structure of tables within relational databases.

DepartmentID Name                                               GroupName                                          ModifiedDate
------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
1            Engineering                                        Research and Development                           2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
2            Tool Design                                        Research and Development                           2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
3            Sales                                              Sales and Marketing                                2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
4            Marketing                                          Sales and Marketing                                2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
5            Purchasing                                         Inventory Management                               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000


Single-table queries are the foundation of SQL. A single-table query is simply what it says: a query on a single table. A query is (usually) a small program that specifies what to return from a table. Queries can "filter" results, they can aggregate results, and they can sort them. Imagine you work at a bank and have a table with checking accounts. You want to return checking accounts that are inactive. A pseudo-query may look like:

select account#
from checkingaccountdata
where status = 'inactive'

The query can be read as follows: select the account# field from the checkingaccountdata table for all records where another field, status, is equal to "inactive". Note that SQL is NOT case sensitive. It does not care whether you capitalize or not. This is not true for all programming languages, however.

2. The SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement is the mother of all statements. The base requirement for a query is the SELECT statement. As shown above, this statement tells the server precisely what you want to see. Without it, there is no query.

Because the SELECT statement is the only required piece of a query, all other components are usually referred to as clauses, which are simply qualifiactions to the statement. Telling the statement what table to look at and how to look at it are common clauses--so common, in fact, that the distinction between the SELECT statement and the FROM clause is mostly a semantic consideration.

In practice, I have only used the SELECT statement by itself to perform basic operations. Unlike some programming languages, such as R or Excel VBA, SQL does not have a "console," which is essentially a command line. In other languages, this is where you could easily and quickly return a result, such as the square root of 898. Without a console, the code must be written within the script:

select sqrt(898)

Note that these kind of operations in SQL are usually much more difficult to program than simply arriving at the answer using a calculator. This is due to a number of reasons, such as T-SQL not supporting complex numbers as well as floating-point precision. For example,

select 50/100

returns 1. This is because SQL reads 50 and 100 as integers and returns the nearest integer (i.e., 0.5 gets rounded to 1). For issues related to floating-point precision and numeric values, see a description of numeric variables in programming.

Most applications of the SELECT statement will include use of a table. From a table, the statement will usually refer to fields, aggregations of fields, or manipulations of existing fields.

select name, 
from adventureworks.humanresources.department

The query above selects the fields name, groupname, and modifieddate from the table adventureworks.humanresources.department:

name                                               groupname                                          modifieddate
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Engineering                                        Research and Development                           2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Tool Design                                        Research and Development                           2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Sales                                              Sales and Marketing                                2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Marketing                                          Sales and Marketing                                2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Purchasing                                         Inventory Management                               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Research and Development                           Research and Development                           2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Production                                         Manufacturing                                      2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Production Control                                 Manufacturing                                      2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Human Resources                                    Executive General and Administration               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Finance                                            Executive General and Administration               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Information Services                               Executive General and Administration               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Document Control                                   Quality Assurance                                  2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Quality Assurance                                  Quality Assurance                                  2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Facilities and Maintenance                         Executive General and Administration               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Shipping and Receiving                             Inventory Management                               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000
Executive                                          Executive General and Administration               2008-04-30 00:00:00.000

(16 row(s) affected)

One important point about this and all queries: just as SQL does not care about case (i.e. capitalization), it also does not care about line breaks. I have never heard of "rules" for when to break lines with SQL. Generally, however, as you become more comfortable with programming in T-SQL, you should code in a way that promotes readability as well as consistency. The code below will work just as well as the code above, but it's not nearly as readable:

name, groupname  


    a. SELECT *

To return the complete contents of a table, you can simply use the SELECT * statement on a table. The query below also returns the table shown above because all fields were selected in the original query.

select *
from adventureworks.humanresources.department

This is a mostly useful statement in practice; however, it should not be used indiscriminantly. It is usually useful because when you enter a real-world server, it is likely that there will be many, many databases and even more tables. The process of learning what is in them (fields and types of data) requires a query in most cases. However, if you don't understand the size or the structure of a table, using SELECT * could very well initiate a query that takes hours if the table is large enough. In practice, I have found the act of stopping a query (sometimes referred to casually as "killing" the query) easy enough to do in SQL Server Management Studio. I have found it to lock up other programs such as SQL Developer. If you ever have a query that continues to run for a while (referred to casually as a query that's "spinning"), you can cancel it in SSMS by pressing the red "Stop" button. This is the red square next to the execute and debug buttons (it will only show red when a query is in the process of executing):

The Stop Button
    b. TOP

There are two options I tend to prefer if I don't know the size of the table, or if there is risk that a SELECT * will take time to complete:

  1. Use SELECT TOP 10 *, which will return the top 10 records. You can change the number 10 to any number you prefer. Also, if your query is written with logic that filters results, only the top 10 records that meet the filtering criteria will be displayed. Note: the TOP keyword does not exist in PL/SQL.
    select top 10 *
    from adventureworks.person.address


    AddressID   AddressLine1                                                 AddressLine2                                                 City                           StateProvinceID PostalCode      SpatialLocation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  rowguid                              ModifiedDate
    ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -----------------------
    1           1970 Napa Ct.                                                NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010CAE8BFC28BCE4474067A89189898A5EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9AADCB0D-36CF-483F-84D8-585C2D4EC6E9 2007-12-04 00:00:00.000
    2           9833 Mt. Dias Blv.                                           NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010CD6FA851AE6D74740BC262A0A03905EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   32A54B9E-E034-4BFB-B573-A71CDE60D8C0 2008-11-30 00:00:00.000
    3           7484 Roundtree Drive                                         NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010C18E304C4ADE14740DA930C7893915EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4C506923-6D1B-452C-A07C-BAA6F5B142A4 2013-03-07 00:00:00.000
    4           9539 Glenside Dr                                             NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010C813A0D5F9FDE474011A5C28A7C955EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   E5946C78-4BCC-477F-9FA1-CC09DE16A880 2009-02-03 00:00:00.000
    5           1226 Shoe St.                                                NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010C61C64D8ABBD94740C460EA3FD8855EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FBAFF937-4A97-4AF0-81FD-B849900E9BB0 2008-12-19 00:00:00.000
    6           1399 Firestone Drive                                         NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010CE0B4E50458DA47402F12A5F80C975EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FEBF8191-9804-44C8-877A-33FDE94F0075 2009-02-13 00:00:00.000
    7           5672 Hale Dr.                                                NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010C18E304C4ADE1474011A5C28A7C955EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   0175A174-6C34-4D41-B3C1-4419CD6A0446 2009-12-11 00:00:00.000
    8           6387 Scenic Avenue                                           NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010C0029A5D93BDF4740E248962FD5975EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3715E813-4DCA-49E0-8F1C-31857D21F269 2008-12-17 00:00:00.000
    9           8713 Yosemite Ct.                                            NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010C6A80AD742DDC4740851574F7198C5EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   268AF621-76D7-4C78-9441-144FD139821A 2012-05-30 00:00:00.000
    10          250 Race Court                                               NULL                                                         Bothell                        79              98011           0xE6100000010C219D64AE1FE4474040862564B7825EC0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   0B6B739D-8EB6-4378-8D55-FE196AF34C04 2008-12-02 00:00:00.000
    (10 row(s) affected)
  3. Right-click on a table in the Object Explorer, and select "Select Top 1000 Rows." A query is then self-generated. The benefit of this option is that for a table with many columns, reading the fields is much easier. You can also copy/paste field names or the table name from the generated query.
  4. Select Top 1000 Rows Example

    Once selected, SSMS returns the following code:

    /****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS  ******/
    SELECT TOP 1000 [DepartmentID]
      FROM [AdventureWorks].[HumanResources].[Department]

To return only unique results, you use the DISTINCT keyword within the SELECT list. The DISTINCT keyword is extremely useful when trying to understand all possible values for a field (usually a field with character data).

The [AdventureWorks].[HumanResources].[Department] table only has 16 records. However, imagine a similar table with 1000s of records. How would we find the possible values for the field GroupName?

select distinct groupname
from [AdventureWorks].[HumanResources].[Department]
Executive General and Administration
Inventory Management
Quality Assurance
Research and Development
Sales and Marketing

(6 row(s) affected)

There are 6 unique values in the groupname field.

DISTINCT can also be used across multiple fields and even all records. I find using the DISTINCT keyword useful across two fields when attempting to understand all possible unique combinations.

select distinct city, stateprovinceid
from [AdventureWorks].[Person].[Address]
city                           stateprovinceid
------------------------------ ---------------
Orly                           180
Tupelo                         39
Michigan City                  25
Bonn                           53
Cheektowaga                    54

(613 row(s) affected)

The results tell us there are 613 unique city/state combinations in the table.

Finally, duplicate records can be removed with the SELECT DISTINCT * statement. However, this is only recommended if you understand the reason for duplicates and the reason they are not purged from the table in the first place.

3. The FROM clause

The FROM clause is such a common feature in SQL that it may as well be considered as its own statement rather than a "clause." But because the SELECT statement can stand on its own, anything that provides specificity to the SELECT statement is considered a clause.

The FROM clause simply points to a table or a view. It comes after and always directly after the SELECT statement. We've already seen it used in this way in the examples above.

There is a specific syntax to table/view names. If you're familiar with the . in VBA, you'll recognize the way a table is referred to. In VBA, the period allows you to navigate down a hierarchy. So, you start with the highest level first, then the next highest, and so on. For a table or a view (and also a function), the full qualification is:

[server name].[database name].[schema name].[table/view name]

Since I used brackets, I may as well explain them here. SSMS allows the use of special characters and keywords in naming fields, tables, etc. In all programming languages I know of, a space " " is not permitted in variable naming conventions. It is a special character, and all programs have rules to handle special characters. Typically programmers (myself included) are used to this and avoid spaces altogether. But, you don't have to in T-SQL. Brackets are designed to tell the program to interpret the character only as a character. This is called "escaping" a special character. In the example above, the forward slash, "/", is also a special character.

For keywords, T-SQL also allows you to use them as names so long as they're enclosed in brackets. For example, you can name a field "year" even though it is also a function that will return the year of a date. The rule is: if you use a special character, you must use brackets. If there is not a special character, you don't have to use brackets. Brackets help with fields that are simultaneously keywords because they will remove the default blue font type for keywords, which can become confusing. By default, a query generated by SSMS will use brackets for everything. I tend to view brackets as a hindrance and only use them when necessary. You will find others who use them all the time. The examples below demonstrate the rules of brackets:

[server name].[database name].[schema name].[table/view name]




server_name.[database_name].schema_name.[table/view name]

are all acceptable.

The server stores databases, and databases store tables/views assigned to a schema. Schemas can be used for a number of reasons, and it's mostly an organizational/grouping framework. Some companies may assign a group its own schema within a database, which becomes more relevant and even necessary if the group is creating their own tables or curating their own data. The default schema within SSMS is dbo.

Databases can have more schemas than dbo. In the example below, HumanResources and Person are also schemas within the AdventureWorks database.

Example of Schemas in AdventureWorks Database

Deciding when and when you do not have to use all pieces of the table name shown above can be a bit tricky to first-time SSMS users. You can only remove elements from the fully qualified table name above starting with the server and working toward the table/view. For example, you cannot specify the database name and simultaneously omit the schema name. The following rules will help on when you can drop elements of the fully qualified table name:

  1. You only need to refer to the server name if you are querying a server other than the one your query script is connected to. In this course, we only work within a single local server. However, if we were connected to a server other than this, a query would have to include the server name:
    select *

    In this example, [T530-PC\SQLEXPRESS] is the name of my own local server instance. Notice that I use the brackets with the server name due to the "-" and "\" special characters. Without it:

    select *

    returns an error:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
    Incorrect syntax near '-'.
  3. If you don't have to refer to the server name, you only need to refer to the database name if you are querying a database other than the one your query script is connected to.
  4. If you don't have to refer to the server name and the database name, you only need to refer to a schema name if the schema is not dbo. When connected to the AdventureWorks database:
    select top 10 *
    from AWBuildVersion

    returns the first ten records in dbo.AWBuildVersion while the following code returns an error because the Person schema that contains the Address table is not specified.

    select top 10 *
    from [Address]

I tend to use the [database name].[schema name].[table/view name] qualification so that I can work within a server without having to change my connection in the query script. I only refer to the server name when necessary. As Itzik Ben-Gan points out, this also has the benefit of reducing the "load" of the query. In other words, it makes the query more efficient. In general, fully qualified logic and references generate more effecient queries.

4. Clauses

As mentioned above, a clause is simply a modification of the SELECT statement. There are four principal clauses in SQL outside of the FROM clause:

  1. The WHERE clause is usually required for nearly every query. This specifies which records to include or exclude on a record-by-record basis. Rarely does a real-life table include the data exactly as you require it.
  2. The GROUP BY is required when you aggregate date. For example, if revenue posts daily to a general ledger, the revenue for a given month would be the sum of revenue grouped by month.
  3. The HAVING clause is utilized in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause. This specifies which records to include or exclude on a grouped basis. It is a WHERE clause for groups.
  4. The ORDER BY clause is the simplest to understand. It specifies the sort order of the results and can include several sort levels.
    a. WHERE clause

The WHERE clause is one of the primary places that introduces logic into the query. You can think of the WHERE clause as a query filter. For example, you may only need records from the prior month, or you may only need active accounts. You may also be working on a project that focuses on a segment of data rather than the entire population.

The WHERE clause always comes directly after the FROM clause. It is then followed by logic statements that use operators. SQL-specific logic operators are described below.

Consider the query below:

select *
from adventureworks.humanresources.department
where departmentid = 4

The query can be read as "return all records from the table where the DepartmentID is equal to 4. As shown below, the query returns one record where this is true.

DepartmentID Name                                               GroupName                                          ModifiedDate
------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
4            Marketing                                          Sales and Marketing                                2008-04-30 00:00:00.000

(1 row(s) affected)	

If there were more than one record that satisfied the criteria, those records would also be returned. For example, in another table, HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory, the same logic returns 10 records.

select *
from adventureworks.humanresources.employeedepartmenthistory
where departmentid = 4
BusinessEntityID DepartmentID ShiftID StartDate  EndDate    ModifiedDate
---------------- ------------ ------- ---------- ---------- -----------------------
16               4            1       2009-07-15 NULL       2009-07-14 00:00:00.000
17               4            1       2007-01-26 NULL       2007-01-25 00:00:00.000
18               4            1       2011-02-07 NULL       2011-02-06 00:00:00.000
19               4            1       2011-02-14 NULL       2011-02-13 00:00:00.000
20               4            1       2011-01-07 NULL       2011-01-06 00:00:00.000
21               4            1       2009-03-02 NULL       2009-03-01 00:00:00.000
22               4            1       2008-12-12 NULL       2008-12-11 00:00:00.000
23               4            1       2009-01-12 NULL       2009-01-11 00:00:00.000
24               4            1       2009-01-18 NULL       2009-01-17 00:00:00.000
250              4            1       2011-02-25 2011-07-30 2011-07-28 00:00:00.000

(10 row(s) affected)

As with all logic, you can create compound conditions uses the AND or OR operators. The query below returns the 6 records from the 10 above because both DepartmentID is equal to 4 and BusinessEntityID is greater than or equal to ( >= ) 20.

select *
from adventureworks.humanresources.employeedepartmenthistory
where departmentid = 4
and businessentityid >= 20
BusinessEntityID DepartmentID ShiftID StartDate  EndDate    ModifiedDate
---------------- ------------ ------- ---------- ---------- -----------------------
20               4            1       2011-01-07 NULL       2011-01-06 00:00:00.000
21               4            1       2009-03-02 NULL       2009-03-01 00:00:00.000
22               4            1       2008-12-12 NULL       2008-12-11 00:00:00.000
23               4            1       2009-01-12 NULL       2009-01-11 00:00:00.000
24               4            1       2009-01-18 NULL       2009-01-17 00:00:00.000
250              4            1       2011-02-25 2011-07-30 2011-07-28 00:00:00.000

(6 row(s) affected)
    b. GROUP BY clause

The GROUP BY clause was one of the more difficult clauses for me to learn. This clause is required if you perform a function on a field across another field or fields. This could mean:

The GROUP BY clause always comes directly after the WHERE clause. If there is no WHERE clause, it always comes directly after the FROM clause. It is then followed by the field(s) across which you are performing a function.

The COUNT() function is probably the easiest way to understand the GROUP BY clause. It simply returns a count of what is included between the parentheses. Unless you are a SQL power user, your use of this function will mostly be limited to COUNT(*). Notice the use of the asterisk, *, which we saw with SELECT * above. The asterisk in SQL simply stands for "record." So you can interpret SELECT * as "return all records" (which also means all fields) and COUNT(*) as "count all records." Let's start with an example that doesn't require a GROUP BY clause:

select count(*)
from adventureworks.person.address

(1 row(s) affected)

The result tells us there are 19,614 records in this table. Notice that we performed a function, COUNT(), but did not use a GROUP BY clause. Why? Because we did not perform the function across another field. If we wanted to count the number of persons by the field city, we would include "city" in the SELECT list in addition to COUNT(*), and we would also include the GROUP BY clause after the FROM clause.

select count(*), city
from adventureworks.person.address
group by city	
----------- ------------------------------
55          Cheltenham
1           Kingsport
31          Suresnes
1           Baltimore
31          Reading
1           Fontana


(575 row(s) affected)

Notice that the first column in the results has no field name. Within the grid displayed in SSMS when you run a query, this column will show (No column name). This is because the COUNT(*) item in the SELECT list is not a field within the table. There are several ways to name a field in the results, but placing the name for the field within single-quotation marks after the item works as well as any other method. You can also change default field names this way.

select count(*) 'Count', city 'City of Record'
from adventureworks.person.address
group by city	
Count       City of Record
----------- ------------------------------
55          Cheltenham
1           Kingsport
31          Suresnes
1           Baltimore
31          Reading


(575 row(s) affected)

One important note: these field names do not exist until after the query is returned. Therefore, the following code returns an error (notice the use of brackets to incorporate the special character of a blank space).

select count(*) 'Count', city 'City of Record'
from adventureworks.person.address
group by [City of Record]	
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Invalid column name 'City of Record'.	

The message is straightforward enough, but don't confuse it with a typo: when the query is compiled, it cannot find this field in the original table, which is what it is searching for in this instance.

Finally, if you perform a function across multiple fields, you will need these fields represented in the GROUP BY clause. For me, this is where things probably became frustrating when learning SQL. Think of the example above where we returned the counts of persons (records) for each city name. Say that we want the State info as well, which in this table is stored as an identifier in the field StateProvinceID. It is logical to think that every city will have a single state associated with it. You may add this field to the query and not realize you need the field in the GROUP BY clause as well:

select count(*) 'Count', city, stateprovinceid
from adventureworks.person.address
group by city	

Thankfully, SSMS returns an error message that is interpretable. I don't recall this being the case with SQL Developer.

Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'adventureworks.person.address.StateProvinceID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.	

The error message tells us we either need to aggregate StateProvinceID (which doesn't make sense in this instance) or put it in the GROUP BY clause. In this case, including it in the clause will return the result without error. Why is including it here necessary if every city has a single state/province? SQL certainly doesn't know that this is the case. You also may not have realized that the same city name can exist in two or more states/regions. For example, there is a city "Paris" in Kentucky, Texas, Tennessee, Illinois, and of course, France. If a city were to have more than one state, SQL would fail without the grouping by state, which is why it doesn't even allow it to occur in the first place. Therefore, even if the addition of another field does not result in another record, it is still required in the GROUP BY clause.

    c. HAVING clause

The HAVING clause is conceptually similar to the WHERE clause. However, the WHERE clause only applies to indiviual records. The HAVING clause, on the other hand, is utilized for groupings (i.e., function(s) performed across one or more fields). Therefore, you will only use the HAVING clause in conjunction with a GROUP BY clause when you want to filter the grouped results. The HAVING clause follows the GROUP BY clause.

What does this mean in practice? I find the HAVING clause useful in the following two cases:

  1. Finding if duplicate records exist.
  2. Referred to casually as "dups" (pronounced dupes), duplicate records are not at all uncommon in the real world, but they usually require some sort of cleaning. For one reason or another, and usually for a good reason, the same account number may exist in a database twice or more. However, it is impossible for two identical accounts to exist in practice--they always represent a single account. For example, imagine you share a checking account with your spouse. Two records for the account number may exist in a database, each with a different name on the account:

    acct_number  owner
    0006678		 Ashley Jackson
    0006678		 John Jackson

    In this example, it is more likely you'd need to answer the question, "How many accounts do I have?" and not "How many account owners do I have?" Duplicate records would overstate the answer to this question if not properly handled

    The table [AdventureWorks].[Person].[EmailAddress] has a field EmailAddress with email addresses registered to the domain. This table has 19,972 records. A query can quickly tell us whether there are more than one record with the same email address:

    select count(*) 'Count', emailaddress
    from [AdventureWorks].[Person].[EmailAddress]
    group by emailaddress
    having count(*) > 1

    There are no records with the same email address, as shown in the results below. However, this assumes all email addresses are correctly spelled, etc., because the field EmailAddress will only be grouped when two records are identical. SQL would count "" and "" as separate email addresses even though they are highly similar.

    Count       emailaddress
    ----------- --------------------------------------------------
    (0 row(s) affected)
  3. Excluding inconsequential records (or including the consequential ones).
  4. I've found the HAVING clause useful in my work for limiting results to those that are influential. For example, say you have a database of all vehicles registered in the US and you wanted to count them by make (so, General Motors, Ford, Honda, etc.). You're analyzing the popularity of vehicle makes, in which case it may be desirable to eliminate makes that don't have a lot of registered owners: the Ferraris, the Smart cars, the Teslas. The HAVING clause can specify to return makes only when there are over one million registered owners, for example. In general, I find the HAVING clause most useful when there are a lot of results are irrelevant to the analytical question you're trying to answer. This could also be expanded to other applications:

    • Only including customers with high spending (e.g., a SUM across all transactions in a month that is greater than $5,000).
    • Excluding records whose aggregated field is zero or some other value of interest. (e.g., a SUM of credit inquiries in a year that is equal to zero).
    • Including only the tails of distributions by using the AND operator.

    In the GROUP BY section above, we showed the necessity of including the StateProvinceID field in the GROUP BY clause if it is contained in the SELECT list:

    select count(*) 'Count', city, stateprovinceid
    from adventureworks.person.address
    group by city, stateprovinceid

    This ensures that if a city exists in two or more separate states/provinces, a result will be returned for each city and state/province. Imagine our analysis wanted to explore cases when only a single person is registered in a city. Our query would look like:

    select count(*) 'Count', city, stateprovinceid
    from adventureworks.person.address
    group by city, stateprovinceid
    having count(*) = 1

    There are 253 records where only one record exists for a distinct city and state/province combination.

    Count       city                           stateprovinceid
    ----------- ------------------------------ ---------------
    1           Tupelo                         39
    1           Michigan City                  25
    1           Norridge                       24
    1           Monroe                         35
    1           Stamford                       11
        d. ORDER BY clause

    The ORDER BY clause is the simplest of the clauses in my opinion. The ORDER BY clause tells SQL how to order, or sort, the results. Nearly everyone is familiar with sorting data as this is a common way to add interpretability to numbers and is usually a first step in exploratory analysis. The ORDER BY list can sort by one or more fields from:

    1. Least to greatest, which is called ascending order. This is the default sort order in SQL.
    2. Greatest to least, which is called descending order. If you use this sort method, you must also use the desc keyword after the field name. "desc" is short for descending.

    Let's start with a simple query. The [AdventureWorks].[Production].[Product] table contains information for various products, including weight. The first result in the following query tells us which product has the lowest weight. Remember that the default order is ascending, and this query does not use the desc keyword.

    select productid
    FROM [AdventureWorks].[Production].[Product]
    order by weight
    (504 row(s) affected)

    Of the 504 products in the table, the product with an ID of 1 is the product with the lowest weight. Or, this appears to be the case. However, the results of the query don't provide any check to ensure the query performed as intended. We can add the weight field to also show the corresponding weight of each ProductID

    select productid, weight
    from [AdventureWorks].[Production].[Product]
    order by weight
    productid   weight
    ----------- ---------------------------------------
    1           NULL
    2           NULL
    3           NULL
    4           NULL
    316         NULL
    (504 row(s) affected)

    This is a great example for the necessity of performing checks during analytic work. When sorting fields with the ORDER BY clause, NULL values are returned first for ascending sorts (and last for descending sorts). Imagine if you ran the query, which seemed appropriate, but you told your manager that ProductID 1 had the lowest weight. The manager then makes a decision based on this information, which is most likely bad information. Within the table, the NULL values for weight tell us that the WEIGHT field is "missing" for these products. Occassionally NULL values are intentional, but in other cases they may reveal incomplete information. So what should you tell your manager in this instance? The fact is that, in the presence of NULL values, answers to questions about weight across all products are uknowable without understanding better the rationale and interpretation of the NULL values. This is also why summary statistics on your data are a good first step before drawing conclusions from it.

    Imagine that your manager tells you that you can simply ignore these NULL values, referred to casually in the coding community as "nulls". How could we write a query to ensure that NULL values for the WEIGHT field are not displayed? With the WHERE clause:

    select productid, weight
    from [AdventureWorks].[Production].[Product]
    where weight is not null
    order by weight
    productid   weight
    ----------- ---------------------------------------
    718         2.12
    838         2.12
    839         2.16
    719         2.16
    822         2.18
    (205 row(s) affected)

    NULL and IS are both keywords in T-SQL, which we will cover in another section. From the results, we can determine that there are also quite a few nulls (299 out of 504) for the WEIGHT field.

    Like most programming languages, SQL does allow sorting of character data, which relies on alphabetical order. Ascending sorts (the default) are from A-Z and descending (with the desc keyword ) are from Z-A.

    To sort store names (name) within the [AdventureWorks].[Sales].[Store] table in reverse alphabetical order (that is, from Z-A) and return the first five records::

    select top 5 name
    from [AdventureWorks].[Sales].[Store]
    order by name desc
    Yellow Bicycle Company
    Year-Round Sports
    Worthwhile Activity Store
    World of Bikes
    World Bike Discount Store
    (5 row(s) affected)

    Sorting by more than one field is referred to as a "multi-level" sort. This is most useful for character fields. Think of a table with the genus and species of trees from Ohio. Because genus refers to a group of species that share like characteristics, there will likely be multiple species for a particular genus. For Maple trees, there are Red Maple, Black Maple, Sugar Maple, .... (see this link if you're curious about this). For Oak trees, there are similarly many types. A list that's sorted A-Z on genus but not species may look something like:

    genus			species
    --------------- ----------------------------------
    Acer			nigrum
    Acer			rubrum
    Acer			saccharum
    Acer			platanoides
    Quercus			velutina
    Quercus			coccinea

    A multi-level sort (both ascending) on genus and species would look like the following, which makes the data more readable, especially when these lists are expanded.

    genus			species
    --------------- ----------------------------------
    Acer			nigrum
    Acer			platanoides
    Acer			rubrum
    Acer			saccharum
    Quercus			coccinea
    Quercus			velutina		

    The code below demonstrates a multi-level sort within a query on the [AdventureWorks].[Person].[StateProvince] for the fields TerritoryID (descending), CountryRegionCode, and StateProvinceCode

    select territoryid,
    from [AdventureWorks].[Person].[StateProvince]
    order by 
    territoryid desc,
    territoryid countryregioncode stateprovincecode
    ----------- ----------------- -----------------
    10          GB                ENG
    9           AU                NSW
    9           AU                QLD
    9           AU                SA 
    9           AU                TAS
    9           AU                VIC
    9           FM                FM 
    9           MH                MH 
    9           MP                MP 
    9           PW                PW 
    8           DE                BB 
    8           DE                BY 
    8           DE                HE 
    8           DE                HH 
    8           DE                NW 
    8           DE                SL 
    8           DE                SN 
    (181 row(s) affected)	
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