MRRisley:=("Intro to T-SQL")

Note: This guide is adapted from Itzik Ben-Gan's T-SQL Fundamentals, 3rd edition.
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Intro to T-SQL

What is T-SQL?

As noted elsewhere, T-SQL is a set of procedural extensions for SQL. They are proprietary to Sybase and Microsoft. Whether this is the extension you end up using at work or elsewhere is less of preference, however, and more about the existing systems. If your company uses Oracle for data, you'll likely require knowledge of PL/SQL. If your company uses a SQL Server, you'll likely use T-SQL. Other extensions exist as well, but these are two are the most common.

The differences between PL/SQL and T-SQL are usually two-fold: (1) different software and (2) different syntax. While the two are more similar than not, there are also enough idiosyncratic differences to be frustrating. For now, this guide will only address T-SQL. There are softwares that can handle both extensions, but SQL Developer is the Oracle-proprietary software and SQL Server Management Studio is the Microsoft analog.

SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS) and the Server

Check out the setup instructions if you haven't already installed SQL Server Management Studio.

SQL Server Management Studio comes with multiple services, some of which are related to analysis, reporting, and/or storage. Primary work with data and databases occurs in the Database Engine. This is the only service that this guide will explain and use. Be sure to select it when connecting to a server.

Database Engine Connection

SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS) allows you access to a server, its structure and its contents (called objects). SMSS can connect and query across numerous servers (if permitted), but it is fairly common to work within a single server instance. A server is essentially a computer. Your own computer can function as a server, as we saw when we established a local server instance. Physical remote servers are the norm because they have significant computing power and data storage. Today, cloud-based servers (such as Azure) are growing in popularity due to the relative inexpensive cost of data storage and also due to generally better encryption and security.

Servers and Server Objects

The server contains objects. In the Object Explorer window, you can expand a server instance to examine its contents.

Server Instance Contents

Within the Server, database objects are the principal use case for an analyst. Other server objects become relevant if you also handle database management (frequently referred to Database Administrators, or DBAs, in the workforce). We will not cover these items, and I unfortunately do not know much about this area.

Databases are the workhorse of data. Just as SMSS allows queries across servers, it also allows queries across databases. If you work for a company with a lot of data, you will likely need to query at least across databases. Databases tend to have deliberate groupings of like data and processes. Within these databases, the most relevant objects are: tables, views, stored procedures, and functions.

Tables contain the data (formally, they are records). Views are stored queries. Stored procedures are typically a group of queries that creates or retrieves data in an automated, scripted fashion. The stored procedures can contain parameters that are supplied when running the procedure. Use of the functions object is typically confined to user-created functions.

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