IS6030: Week 3

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  1. Questions from Week 2
  2. Answers to Assessment
  3. Answer to Homework
  4. Assessment
  5. Take-home Midterm will be available from Nov. 17 to Nov. 21. It is open notes and open book, but it is an individual effort. Material only through Week 3 (today's class) will be tested.


Lecture Part 1: Data Types in SQL

Lecture Part 2: Operators in SQL

In-Class Assignment

Click here for SQL Script. Once completed, submit via Blackboard. Due 11/17/2018 by 1:00PM.


Click here for SQL Script. Once completed, submit via Blackboard. Due 11/17/2018 by 1:00PM.

For Next Class

  1. Review this week's material
  2. Read Itzik Ben-Gan:
  3. Due to the midterm, Week 4 will not have an assessment that covers material from this week.
  4. Take-home Midterm will be available from Nov. 17 to Nov. 21. It is open notes and open book, but it is an individual effort. Material only through Week 3 (today's class) will be tested.

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