IS6030: Week 5

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SQL Home Page

Course Evaluation

  1. University places a large amount of emphasis on student evaluations of courses.
  2. I find evaluations useful to improve the course:
  3. I will award a single percentage point increase for the grade on the Final for all students if completion rate exceeds 90%.
Course evaluation link.


  1. Questions from Week 4
  2. Answers to Homework 4 (on Blackboard)
  3. Assessment on Week 4 Material
  4. A list of all assignments and weights for grading can be found here.

Midterm Solution

Duplicates in JOINs

Click here for SQL Script.


Click here for SQL Script.

Creating tables

Click here for SQL Script.

In-Class Assignment 5

Click here for SQL Script. Once completed, submit via Blackboard. Due 12/08/2018 by 1:00PM.

Importing Data into SQL

SQL and R

SQL and Excel

SQL and Tableau

Remaining Items:

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